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  • Writer's pictureKristy Morrison

How To Smudge / Cleanse Your Home To Invite Positive Energy.

Updated: Mar 29, 2023

Smudging is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries by many cultures around the world. The practice involves the burning of certain herbs to create a smoke that is used to purify, cleanse, and bless a person, object, or space. One of the most commonly used herbs for smudging is sage, and in this blog, I will discuss the benefits of smudging your home with sage and how to do it.

In my opinion smudging your home should be part of everyone's regular house cleansing practices. As an energy worker I understand that some energies can get stuck in the body and our homes are the same. In our homes we regularly unwind from the busy work day and we have plenty of energies swirling around from our own, spouses, kids and pets though thankfully pets tend to be more neutral with a loving disposition naturally so they actually assist with raising the homes vibration. So if you've had a rough day and you release your pent up energy and frustrations in the home they can get stuck. Same for guests you invite into your home, if they have low vibrational energy some of it can become stuck in the home leaving home owners wondering what's going on here......

Benefits of smudging your home.

  1. Cleansing and Purification One of the primary benefits of smudging your home with sage is that it helps to cleanse and purify the air in your space. Sage has antimicrobial properties that can help to eliminate airborne bacteria, viruses, and other harmful toxins that can negatively impact your health. This can be especially beneficial if you or someone in your household suffers from allergies or respiratory issues.

  2. Enhancing Positive Energy Smudging your home with sage can help to enhance positive energy in your space. The smoke from sage is thought to help promote feelings of joy, peace, and harmony. This can create a more welcoming and positive environment in your home, which can benefit your mental and emotional well-being. Palo Santo is also a great item to smoke in positive energy.

  3. Removing Negative Energy Sage is also believed to help remove negative energy from your home. Negative energy can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, illness, or negative emotions. Smudging with sage can help to clear away this negative energy and create a more positive and uplifting atmosphere in your home.

  4. Spiritual Awareness Smudging with sage is also believed to help improve spiritual awareness and enhance intuition. The smoke from sage is thought to help open up the energy centers in the body and allow for a greater flow of spiritual energy. This can lead to a deeper sense of inner peace, clarity, and connection to the divine.

When should you smudge your home?

  1. When you first move into your new home.

  2. When the feeling is OFF in the home. Maybe you feel anxious, negative, stressed, and just overall bleh.

  3. When you feel you've been disagreeing more than normal with your spouse.

  4. When you've hosted a house/dinner party (before and after)

  5. When you feel called to have a smudge ceremony.

How To Smudge

Smudging a home is easier than you think but it can be daunting if you've never done it before. I remember before I had a regular practice of meditation / smudging the first time was filled with questions swirling in my head. Am I doing it right, is it working, is this pointless, etc. So please don't over analyze this simply relax and trust the process.

  1. Prepare: Gather your Sage stick, lighter and open the windows in each room.

  2. Ground: Take 3 deep breaths in & out while lighting your smudge stick so it’s burning strong & blow out so it is smouldering.

  3. Invocation/Prayer: REFER TO YOUR POST CARD IF YOU HAVE ONE if not see below. "May the smoke of this sage cleanse this home, Removing negative energy and welcoming positivity. May it bring peace, joy, and harmony to all who reside here, And may it create a sacred space for love and light to thrive." OR “Please cleanse this space for the highest good of my family and all that comes in contact with our beautiful home. I release into this smoke all energies that do not serve me, all negatives that surround me, and fears that limit me or my family."

  4. Walk: Start at the front door & move mindfully clockwise around the perimeter of the house. Wafting the smoke throughout Be sure to open closet doors & get into hidden areas. Feel free to repeat the cleansing statement as you go through the home, this is not necessary as the intention has already been set but it does give it an extra boost.

  5. End: When you arrive back to the front door offer your thanks “Gratitude for the cleansing, As above so below, it is done.”

I hope this helps and you take the time to truly feel the process out and know that it is working because EVERYTHING IS ENERGY and has a vibration.


Kristy Morrison

Your Agent For Life

Real Estate A NEW Way: Holistic Principles, Traditional Methods.

Century 21 Synergy Realty, Brokerage. Complete Real Estate Pro's Team.

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